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Deck Spot : Generaid Invoked

1 negator and 1...oh well, you can choose either your effect got negated or your card banished.

Decklist :

Credit to Randy Ibrahim (Facebook)

Generaider is a deck with some big boss and high level monster that sometimes can be a bother  when you got them in the opening hand. But thanks to Aleister the Invoked, it can be used as Fusion Material for either Invoked Caliga or Invoked Mechaba since this deck only use LIGHT and DARK Generaider big monster (of course, Loptr isn't counted). 

Designed for 1st turn play, the ideal board for this deck are 1 Mechaba, 1 Generaid Stage, and 1 Solemn and 1 Hand Trap. With these cards, you can have at least 1 or 2 negator (1 negator if you choose to summon Utgarda via Loptr's effect). If got 2nd turn, you can play casual Invoked, either summoning Mechaba or Purgatorio to wipe your opponent's board.

For the upcoming Master Rule 5, you can add 2 or 3 World Legacy Monstrosity and can summon True King of all Calamities besides Invoked Mechaba.

~~Garaito out

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