Deck Spot : Dogmatika Dino Doll
Welcome to Garaito92 blog. Today i'd like to review one of my decks that i used in Prodigy Duelist Bekasi community tournament.
After the release of Shaddoll Schism, it's undeniable that Shadoll becomes one of the most powerful decks post-ROTD, either mixing it with Invoked-Dogmatika, or going with pure build. With Invoked, you can bait your opponent's Ash Blossom and procceed to Nadir Servant, sending any of Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck to the Graveyard, adding and Special Summonning Dogmatika Maximus, sending and Shaddoll Apkalone and Titaniklad the Ash Dragon. Apkalone's effect will add Shaddoll Schism, discarding any of your card in hand, set it to perform the Fusion Summon fo Shaddoll Winda. Titaniklad's effect Special Summons Dogmatika Ecclesia, The Virtuous, adding Fleurdelis to hand.
But, such deck is boring, so i'm trying a new one.
(for TCG build, you can change 3 Maxx C to 3 Ghost Ogre/Phantazmey/Infinite Impermenance)
I still need Dogmatika's power to win the game though...
Deckbuild and Basic Combos
For this deck, i run only 3 Dinosaur engines : Ultimate Conductor Tyranno (which i regret afterwards), Double Evolution Pill, and Overtex Qoatlus. The main purpose is to control the opponent in the 1st turn with Dogmatika combo, and then procceeding to a one turn kill with Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, summoned by Double Evolution Pill. After the tournament, i decided to replace UCT with Pankratops. Because if UCT got returned to the hand, there is no way to summon it unless you have 2 other Dinosaurs in your Graveyard, which it will never happens in this build.
Spellbooks serves as drawer engine, tributing either Spellbook or Dogmatika monster. In worst case scenario, you may also tribute Shaddoll monster. While Fairy Tail-Snow plays her role as a disruption to Zoodiac, or any threatening monster and delaying Orcust combo.
While most of the Shaddoll Dogmatika deck use Resh Shaddoll Incarnation and Dogmatika Punishment, i prefer to use 2 Solemn Warning to stop any opponent's combo. Especially Infinitetrack Fortress Megaclops or Eldlich Golden Lord, which almost no Shaddoll Fusion Monster can get past it. Dogmatika Punishment prevents me to summon any monster from the Extra Deck, so i prefer not to take the risk of using it. Alternatively, you can use Paleozoic Dinomiscus, either 1 or 2, if you don't want to reduce your Life Point. Or the old card, Compulsory Evacuation Device, removing your opponent's monster without any cost.
Sometimes i'm confused which Fusion Monster to send to the Graveyard when Nadir Servant is in my opening hand. I'm glad i didn't face any Salamangreat or Cyverse deck that time, so i dumped Diplexer Chimera for Dogmatika Maximus' summoning requirement. Otherwise, i will dump El Shaddoll Anoyatyllis or El Shaddoll Winda. Never dump your Starving Venom, especially in this Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon era.
With this deck, I scored :
Pair 1 Vs HERO Dragoon 2-0
In this match, Super Polymerization proves to be useful against Dragoon and Dark Law. The opponent doesn't give much combo, but i'm sure his deck will be a threat in the future.
Pair 2 Vs Zoodiac Zeus 0-2
Megaclops such an annoyance, along with Drident. I missplayed by not using Fairy Tail-Snow's effect to change Zoodiac Drident to face down position. He XYZ Summon AA Zeus and i can't do much to remove it. In the 2nd game, i manage to summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno but my opponent returned it to my hand using Compulsory Evacuation Device, and it stuck in my hand for the entire game. Should have side-out all Dinosaurs and take 2 Lightning Storms to my deck.
Pair 3 Vs Dark Magician 2-1
A decisive battle indeed. In this duel Lightning Storm win me the game after my loss at round 1. Super Polymerization also helps me to remove all the Dark Magician card my opponent control and let me give 2800 damage via Starving Venom.
Pair 4 Vs Orcust 2-1
Again, Super Polymerization rocks. Helping me win via sudden death during the 3rd round. Fairy Tail Snow also takes part in this game. But i made a missplay didn't use her effect to prevent The Phantom Knights of Break Sword using its effect, by changing it to Defense Position. Against Orcust, i have to side-out all the Dinosaur, even they can help me disrupt Orcust combo by UCT's effect.
That's all about my deck. Care to try? ;)
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