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Deck Spot : Jinzo

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Who's do not know Jinzo? A machine monster that makes its 1st appearance in YuGiOh! Duel Monster as Esper Roba's rare card, and handed to Jounouchi after his defeat in Duel City. Lv. 6 with 2400 ATK and ability to lock every Trap Card on the field, and prevent them from activating. Such a strong card in his era, and maybe for specific decks for current format. Now getting a new support as XYZ Monster : Jinzo - Layered!!!


2 Level 6 monsters

You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; take control of it until the End Phase, but it cannot activate its effects or declare an attack. If a Trap is on the field: You can Tribute 1 monster, and if you do, destroy 1 face-up card on the field. You can only use each effect of "Jinzo - Layered" once per turn.

Such menacing effect, as his pose in the card. Gain control a face up opponent monster, even can't attack or activating its effect. But you can take advantage of it: getting rid of their wall or using it as a material, whether it is for XYZ, Synchro, or Link Summon. If it has 2000 or more ATK, you can tribute it for Ritual Summon using Draitron Ritual Spell : Meteornis Draitron.

Meteornis Draitron

This card can be used to Ritual Summon any 1 Ritual Monster from your hand or GY. You must also Tribute Machine monsters from your hand or field whose total ATK equal or exceed the ATK of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. If this card is in your GY: You can target 1 "Draitron" monster you control; until the end of your opponent's next turn, it loses exactly 1000 ATK, and if it does, add this card to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Meteornis Draitron" once per turn.

Such good support is wasted without the something that can unleash its potential. Fortunately, Jinzo itself has too many supports that can make it into a meta-wrecking-potential deck. Of course in this video, Jinzo-Layered has yet to make its appearance. But i hope it can helps you make something incredible out of it.

Jinzo by Ditto A.

Of course, i won't leave it without the decklist. Here it is :

Jinzo Deck

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