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Tournament Report : Yu-Gi-Oh! Yogyakarta

Welcome to Garaito's Realm! Here you can get information related to the tournament decklist, either the winner or the most unique deck from all over Indonesia. And also a little opinion about the deck which is the topic of the day. Without much ado, here we go ~!                                                                

                                                             ~Yu-Gi-Oh! Yogyakarta Tournament~

Date : May 01st, 2021
Location : Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Format : March 2021, TCG Banlist, Swiss Round
Player's Name : Suryo Pradono
Standing : 1st Place
Deck : Zoodiac

Decklist :


Scoring a perfect sweep, duelist Suryo Pradono won the weekly tournament Yugioh Yogyakarta which was held on May 1, 2021.

As a former meta who was helped by Konami to rise up, the return of Zoodiac Barrage and Zoodiac Drident is still not enough to bring this deck back to glory in the current Yu-Gi-Oh! metagame. It was AA Zeus who had a big influence on this deck. Easy summoning: only with an overlay on a XYZ Monster Card that has attacked in the Battle Phase, as well as with its board-wipe capabilities, it would be enough to make this deck relevant, even become a meta again.

Even though this deck was designed for the first turn, duelist Suryo Pradono added several cards that should be used in the second turn on this deck: Lightning Storm, Cosmic Cyclone and Dark Ruler No More. With so many Monster Cards with negation abilities: Borrelload Savage, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon, or Invoked Mechaba, the cards mentioned above need to be brought in order to make AA Zeus summoning is 100% successful. Cosmic Cyclone is useful for anticipating Trap Cards such as Phantom Knight Fog Blade, or Virtual World Gate - Chuche, where these cards cannot be taken care of by Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit alone. Besides, Cosmic Cyclone is very effective if the Lightning Storm cannot be used because it is "stuck" due to the Fire Formation-Tenki being in the field.

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