(Deck Discussion) Yugioh Yogyakarta Community Deck Winner : Fluffal
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~Yu-Gi-Oh! Yogyakarta Tournament~
Date : June 19th, 2021
Location : Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Format : March 2021, TCG Banlist, Swiss Round
Player's Name : Yusuf Mahdiansyah
Standing : 1st Place
Deck : Fluffal
Decklist :
Sapu bersih, duelist Yusuf menjuarai turnamen mingguan komunitas Yugioh Yogyakarta yang diadakan pada 20 Juni 2021 lalu.
Scoring a perfect sweep, duelist Yusuf won the weekly tournament Yugioh Yogyakarta which was held on June 20, 2021.
Meskipun terlihat lucu dan tidak menyeramkan, jangan sekali-sekali meremehkan deck ini. Fluffal, dengan kemampuan dan ciri khasnya yang berputar melalui Fusion Summon ini dapat menghabiskan Life Point lawannya dalam sekejap mata.
Although it looks funny and not scary, never underestimate this deck. Fluffal, with his abilities and characteristics that revolve through Fusion Summons, can deplete his opponent's Life Points in the blink of an eye.
Awalnya deck ini sesuai dengan temanya yang eye-friendly : boneka lucu dan imut, tidak berbahaya dan datang sebagai penggembiar dalam tournament. Namun kedatangan sebuah kartu, Frightfur Patchwork, mengubah deck ini menjadi mengerikan, dan menjadi kuat seperti Fusion Monster dari archetype ini. Bagaimana tidak, 1 kartu untuk mengambil Polymerization dan 1 Edge Imp yang notabene merupakan bahan untuk melakukan Fusion Summon monster Frightfur itu sendiri. Membuat pemanggilan Fusion Monster Card dari Fluffal menjadi pasti tanpa harus melakukan gerakan yang sia-sia dan menghabiskan waktu.
When Fluffal release on the original Booster Pack, it have this kind of first impression : eye-friendly, cute dolls, harmless and come as fans in tournaments. But withe the release of one card, Frightfur Patchwork, turns this deck into a monstrous one, and becomes as powerful as its Fusion Monster from this archetype. 1 card that can take Polymerization and 1 Edge Imp which incidentally is the material for Fusion Summoning the Frightfur monster itself, is too powerful. Makes Fluffal's summoning of Fusion Monster Cards sure without having to make pointless and time-consuming moves.
Sejak rilisnya Frightfur Cruel Whale, fokus deck yang awalnya One Turn Kill, berubah menjadi semi-control karena kemampuan sang paus untuk menghancurkan masing-masing 1 kartu dari Field sendiri dan Field lawan. Selain itu kemampuan dari Frightfur Cruel Whale adalah mengirim 1 kartu Frightfur dari Main Deck atau Extra Deck dan membuat 1 Fusion Monster Card sendiri mendapat 1/2 dari original ATKnya, memberikan potensi OTK juga disamping kemampuannya untuk mengontrol jumlah kartu di Field lawan. Disamping itu, untuk menghentikan lawan dari pemanggilan Extra Deck Monster,'duelist Yusuf membawa Artifact Scythe. Uniknya meski membawa Monster Card Artifact yang hanya bisa menggunakan kemampuan pada putaran lawan tersebut, sang duelist tidak membawa satupun Artifact Sanctum. Ia memanfaatkan efek dari Artifact Dagda yang bisa meletakkan Artifact Scythe apabila ada Monster Card yang menggunakan kemampuannya, dan meski Artifact Scythe hanya akan hancur pada End Phase lawan, ia memanfaatkan kemampuan Frightfur Tiger.
Since the release of Frightfur Cruel Whale, the focus of the deck which was originally One Turn Kill, has changed to semi-control due to the whale's ability to destroy 1 card each from his own field and the opponent's field. In addition, the ability of the Frightfur Cruel Whale is to send 1 Frightfur card from the Main Deck or Extra Deck and make 1 Fusion Monster Card you control gets 1/2 of its original ATK, providing OTK potential as well as its ability to control the number of cards in the opponent's field. Besides, to stop the opponent from summoning the Extra Deck Monster, duelist Yusuf brought an Artifact Scythe. Uniquely, despite carrying a Monster Card Artifact that can only use abilities on the opponent's turn, the duelist didn't bring any Artifact Sanctum. He took advantage of the effect of Artifact Dagda which could lay down Artifact Scythe to own Spell/Trap Zone if a Monster Card used its ability, and although Artifact Scythe would only be destroyed during the opponent's End Phase, he abuse it using Frightfur Tiger's ability, Fusion Summoning the tiger during the opponent's Main Phase.
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