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(Deck Discussion) Osiris Duelist Community Featured Deck : Pure Dinosaur

Welcome to Garaito's Realm! Here you can get information related to the tournament decklist, either the winner or the most unique deck from all over Indonesia. And also a little opinion about the deck which is the topic of the day. Without much ado, here we go ~!                                                  

                                                    ~YuGiOh! Osiris Duelist Community~

Date : October 02, 2021
Location : Ogre Depok, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Format : September 2021 TCG Banlist, Swiss Round
Player's Name : Joe Pamungkas
Standing : 3rd Place
Deck : Dinosaur

Decklist :

Although cannot achive the perfect win, duelist Joe doing something great in the weekly tournament Osiris Duelist Community which was held on October 2nd,2021

"I'm still worthy", maybe this is what can be said for this Dinosaur deck after getting the 3rd place in the OSD community weekly tournament on Saturday. Dinosaur, with all its shortcomings because Miscellanosaurus got a place on the banlist last June 2021 as a card that must be limited in existence. Luckyly Souleating Oviraptor still survived the blow and can still be used as many as 3 copies.

What makes this deck unique is because this deck does not use Trap Cards such as Infinite Impermenance as a defense when it gets the first turn, and only brings 1 Animardoned Archosaur which can be a starting combo on all Dinosaur decks. There are only 2 handtrap decks: Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring and Psyframegear Gamma, which becomes a defense if the combo is interrupted by the opponent's handtrap card. Of course it would be easier if he brought a Crossout Designator, but seeing the build of this deck it would be rather difficult to carry 2 or 3 copies of the card. Also, this deck does not carry any Scrap engine which can be an alternative combo in the early turn.

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