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(Deck Discussion) Magelang Duelist Academy Deck Winner : Burning Abyss

Welcome to Garaito's Realm! Here you can get information related to the tournament decklist, either the winner or the most unique deck from all over Indonesia. And also a little opinion about the deck which is the topic of the day. Without much ado, here we go ~!                                                                

      ~~Yu-Gi-Oh! Magelang Duelist Academy~~

Date : June 06th, 2021
Location : Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
Format : March 2021, TCG Banlist, Swiss Round
Player's Name : Riski Mardianto
Standing : 1st Place
Deck : Burning Abyss

Decklist :


Menang mudah, duelist Riski memenangkan tournament mingguan Magelang Duelist Academy yang diadakan pada tanggal 6 Juni 2021 lalu.

Scoring a perfect sweep, duelist Riski won the weekly tournament of Magelang Duelist Academy which was held on June 06, 2021.

Seperti tema decknya, Burning Abyss adalah deck kuat yang tidak akan lekang dimakan waktu. Abadi dan akan terus hidup kembali dengan komposisi serta engine yang tepat. Namun, apabila pengguna deck Burning Abyss pada umumnya menggunakan engine Phantom Knight sebagai "pasangan" untuk archetype ini dalam sebuah deck, duelist Riski Mardianto berpikiran lain. Pure Burning Abyss dengan segudang Trap Card di belakangnya.

Like the deck's theme, Burning Abyss is a strong deck that won't be dead easily and is eternal . Timeless and will continue to live with the right composition and engine. However, if users of the Burning Abyss deck generally use the Phantom Knight engine as a "partner" for this archetype in a deck, duelist Riski Mardianto thinks differently. Pure Burning Abyss with a countless of Trap Cards behind it.

Mempunyai karakteristik deck yang tidak perlu menjalankan banyak combo, serta bisa dibawa dalam permainan dengan waktu yang lama, membawa banyak Trap Card dalam deck Burning Abyss bukanlah sesuatu yang mengherankan. Lebih bagus lagi apabila membawa Trap Card yang mempunyai cost membuang kartu di tangan : akan memberikan keuntungan yaitu memicu kemampuan dari Burning Abyss itu sendiri terlepas Trap Card tersebut berhasil aktif atau tidak. 1 kartu akan memberikan banyak keuntungan karena selain menunda permainan lawan, penggunanya bisa selangkah lebih maju dari lawannya tersebut.

Having the characteristics of a deck that does not need to run a lot of combos, and can be carried in the game for a long time, carrying a lot of Trap Cards in the Burning Abyss deck is not surprising. It's even better if you bring a Trap Card that has the cost of discarding cards in your hand: it will give you the advantage of triggering the ability of the Burning Abyss itself regardless of whether the Trap Card's effect is resolved or not. 1 card will provide many advantages because in addition to delaying the opponent's game, the user can be one step ahead of the opponent.

Hanya membawa 3 Pot of Desires, duelist Riski tidak ingin mengambil resiko kemampuan Absolute King Back Jack aktif tanpa efek apapun karena menampilkan banyak Spell Card, meskipun sebenarnya dalam deck ini dia bisa membawa 1 Spell Card tambahan, entah Foolish Burial atau Harpie's Feather Duster. Back Jack sendiri bisa dikirim ke Graveyard melalui Fiend Griefing, selain fungsinya untuk mengganggu Monster Card yang ada di Graveyard lawan. Fiend Grieving juga bisa menjadi kartu yang menyelesaikan 2 masalah sekaligus : dengan Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss dapat menghilangkan monster lawan yang mengganggu untuk sementara waktu, atau Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss yang dapat memanggil monster Burning Abyss apapun dari deck.

Bringing only 3 Pots of Desires, duelist Riski doesn't want to risk Absolute King Back Jack's ability to resolve without any effect because it displays many Spell Cards, even though in this build he can bring at least 1 additional Spell Card, either Foolish Burial or Harpie's Feather Duster. Back Jack itself can be sent to the Graveyard through Fiend Griefing, in addition to its function to disrupt the Monster Card in the opponent's Graveyard. Fiend Grieving can also be a card that solves 2 problems at once: with Farfa, the Malebranche of the Burning Abyss can temporarily eliminate annoying opposing monsters, or Graff, the Malebranche of the Burning Abyss which can summon any Burning Abyss monster from the deck.

Meskipun pada metagame TCG Maret 2021 tidak banyak deck yang memakai Link Monster sebagai salah satu combonya, duelist Riski tetap membawa Fantastical Dragon Phantazmey dalam Side Decknya, berjaga-jaga apabila menghadapi Dragon Link atau Tri-Brigade. Biasanya pada deck dengan Trap Card sebagai kartu dominan di Main Deck, dalam Side Deck akan ada banyak monster handtrap seperti Effect Veiler, atau Spell Card yang dapat mengganggu field lawan secara masif seperti Lightning Storm. Namun pada deck ini tetap membawa banyak Trap Card, mempunyai kesan bahwa sang duelist yakin lawannya tidak akan banyak bergerak pada game 2 ataupun 3. 

Even though in the March 2021 TCG metagame there are not many decks that use Link Monster as one of their combos, duelist Riski still brings Fantastical Dragon Phantazmey in his Side Deck, just in case against Dragon Link or the Tri-Brigade. Usually, in decks with Trap Cards as the dominant card in the Main Deck, in Side Decks there will be many handtrap monsters such as the Effect Veiler, or Spell Cards that can disrupt the opponent's field massively such as Lightning Storm. However, this deck still carries a lot of Trap Cards, giving the impression that the duelist believes his opponent will not move much in game 2 or 3.

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